About the Business
Alan Reid Financial Services (NI) Limited are an established firm of Independent Financial Advisers based in Hillsborough County Down Northern Ireland. Pension Planning - When do you want to retire and how much income will you need? Life Assurance - How much cash would your family need to maintain their current lifestyle if you die prematurely? Income Protection - Would you require a regular income or a cash sum if you suffered a serious illness or disability? Investments/Regular Savings - Are you making the best use of any spare capital or surplus income? Mortgages - Do you want to reduce your current mortgage outlay or are you moving home? Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. You can choose how we are paid for mortgages; pay a fee, usually 0.5% of the loan amount or we can accept commission from the lender. The FSA do not regulate some forms of mortgage. We hope you find the site both useful and informative.
Location & Hours

1 Lakeland Manor