About the Business
The One Advice Group provides a range of professional financial services, debt resolution and personal insolvency solutions for customers UK wide. The Group incorporates Harrington Brooks (Accountants) Ltd. Established in 1998, Harrington Brooks, one of the UK's leading debt solution providers, are currently helping customers repay their unsecured debts through financial management plans and there are a further 20,000 customers trusting Harrington Brooks to manage their Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA).
The market size in the UK for debt management plans is estimated to be 750,000 people (of which 2/3 are professionally managed and 1/3 self-managed), with around a further 200,000 people with IVAs. In terms of Financial Claim Services, recent analysis of PPI redress revealed that approximately £50 billion of PPI policies have been sold over the last 10-15 years.
Location & Hours

Sibson Road